Petition is successful with 9,894 signatures
To: Auckland Council and the NZ Government
Mangawhai Pakiri SOS
April 2024: We are absolutely over the moon and delighted to share the incredible news that last week The Environment Court made their final decision and refused the consent for offshore sand mining in the Mangawhai-Pakiri area. This decision is firm evidence that if enough people rise-up, and enough voices are heard, that together we really can make a difference.
We want to thank you all and send a massive acknowledgement to the thousands who submitted, advocated, and petitioned. This win would not have been possible without your support. We also want to make a special acknowledgement to tāngata whenua and mana whenua including Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Manuhiri and Ōmaha Marae, who have been fighting to stop sand mining in this rohe for three generations. There are also many individuals and groups who testified in court, including Auckland Council, NZ Fairy Tern Trust, Friends of Pakiri Beach, Save Our Sands Mangawhai Pakiri, Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Trust, Forest and Bird, and the Environmental Defence Society.