1,000 signatures reached
To: The Prime Minister Christopher Luxon
Protect Hector's from the fishing industry

Hector's dolphins are being wiped out by the fishing industry. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon must protect Hector's. Trawl and set nets must be banned throughout Hector's and Māui range - out to 100m deep or 20 nautical miles.
Why is this important?
No dolphin should be drowned in a net.
Yet since Christopher Luxon has been Prime Minister, at least 15 Hector's dolphins have been killed by the fishing industry.
They include a mother and calf pair, juvenile dolphins and adults, with almost all of them around Canterbury.
Māui and Hector's used to be the most abundant dolphins around NZ's coastal waters. Now they are among the world's rarest.
PM Luxon must protect Hector's from the fishing industry.
Be a Dolphin Defender and help stop extinction.
Stuff Luxon office protestors say at least 15 Hector’s dolphins killed since he was PM
Yet since Christopher Luxon has been Prime Minister, at least 15 Hector's dolphins have been killed by the fishing industry.
They include a mother and calf pair, juvenile dolphins and adults, with almost all of them around Canterbury.
Māui and Hector's used to be the most abundant dolphins around NZ's coastal waters. Now they are among the world's rarest.
PM Luxon must protect Hector's from the fishing industry.
Be a Dolphin Defender and help stop extinction.
Stuff Luxon office protestors say at least 15 Hector’s dolphins killed since he was PM
The Press, Andrea Vance Dolphin protest targets PM Luxon’s office
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