Successful Campaigns

Successful Campaigns
  • Save the Paturoa Kauri
    2019: This 500 year old Kauri tree Awhi Awhi is still standing! Follow our Facebook community groups and to find out how to help our Kauri and urban forests.
    28,006 Signatures
    Created by Toko Picture
  • Stand by your pledge to protect GM Free Regions
    2017: Thanks to everyone who showed their support on a hard fought campaign; there has been a partial win in respect of protection of GM Free zones, but that there is more work to do to shield the regions from Wellington imposing GMOs on their communities.
    1,933 Signatures
    Created by Soil & Health Association Picture
  • We want a comprehensive bottle refund scheme for Aotearoa
    April 2022: The government has finally acted and a CRS has been proposed as part of wider recycling reforms and public consultation is happening now. The proposed scheme IS comprehensive as we asked: it includes all materials (glass, plastic, metal, liquid paperboard), and all beverage types. Now the focus of the campaign shifts: we need to make as many submissions to the government's proposal as possible by May 8. This will further encourage the government to implement a comprehensive, equitable, Tiriti-led scheme, that delivers maximum impact to the community and environment. Check out our template submission and have your say!
    4,914 Signatures
    Created by Kiwi Bottle Drive
  • Stop the proposed cattle feedlots in Te Waihora (Lake Ellesmere) - Ōtautahi
    6 June 2023: Breaking news! Application withdrawn! We opposed this and won! Environment Canterbury has announced today that the Wongan Hills application to build feedlot barns in Kaituna Valley, Banks Peninsula has been withdrawn!! We're celebrating - and we thank you wholeheartedly for your amazing, generous and unstinting support, which has contributed to our win. We hope this means that future applications for feedlots on Banks Peninsula will be unlikely. It's clear that no hearing is required now, but we still have costs to cover for work done thus far. We will let you know more when there is more certainty about the numbers. Thank you again for your wonderful support!
    2,083 Signatures
    Created by Annelies Pekelharing
  • New Countdown, No Plastic
    Apr 2016: The new Countdown on Waiheke has promised to be plastic bag free! Great community work.
    1,035 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Fountain Picture
  • Make Otautahi-Christchurch one-use plastic-bag free
    August 2018 Dear Changemakers Wahoo! bye bye (plastic) bag! No doubt you have heard the news that the Government is to ban one-use plastic bags. You had a hand in achieving this remarkable result. Take a bow! Yes, there’s still much we can and need to do (tackling other forms of plastic pollution and challenging the absurdity of our society’s ‘throw away’ mentality) but for now it’s time to pat ourselves on the back, wear a big smile and say ‘together, we did it’! Thanks everyone! Well done! Enjoy the moment!
    2,135 Signatures
    Created by Megan Blakie Picture
  • Stop Hot Foot!
    2016: We won yay!
    80 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Ozarka Picture
  • Stop the government giving millions more free carbon credits to polluters!
    Thanks to all your signatures and sharing of the ETS petition, we won the campaign to remove Clause 15. Change IS possible! You can read more about the win here: This win shows how much we care about having a strong Emissions Trading Scheme to drive bold climate action in New Zealand.
    3,449 Signatures
    Created by Emily & Tim (Climate Club & CANA)
  • Stop the aerial spraying of harmful herbicides in QE Park
    While aerial spraying is happening, the worst toxins are not used. We at Friends of QEII Park are working with GWRC to find alternatives to indiscriminate aerial spraying.
    1,098 Signatures
    Created by Peter Brooking Picture
  • Mangawhai Pakiri SOS
    April 2024: We are absolutely over the moon and delighted to share the incredible news that last week The Environment Court made their final decision and refused the consent for offshore sand mining in the Mangawhai-Pakiri area. This decision is firm evidence that if enough people rise-up, and enough voices are heard, that together we really can make a difference. We want to thank you all and send a massive acknowledgement to the thousands who submitted, advocated, and petitioned. This win would not have been possible without your support. We also want to make a special acknowledgement to tāngata whenua and mana whenua including Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Manuhiri and Ōmaha Marae, who have been fighting to stop sand mining in this rohe for three generations. There are also many individuals and groups who testified in court, including Auckland Council, NZ Fairy Tern Trust, Friends of Pakiri Beach, Save Our Sands Mangawhai Pakiri, Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Trust, Forest and Bird, and the Environmental Defence Society.
    9,900 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Sands