Successful Campaigns
Successful Campaigns
Stop the aerial spraying of harmful herbicides in QE ParkWhile aerial spraying is happening, the worst toxins are not used. We at Friends of QEII Park are working with GWRC to find alternatives to indiscriminate aerial spraying.1,098 SignaturesCreated by Peter Brooking
Mangawhai Pakiri SOSApril 2024: We are absolutely over the moon and delighted to share the incredible news that last week The Environment Court made their final decision and refused the consent for offshore sand mining in the Mangawhai-Pakiri area. This decision is firm evidence that if enough people rise-up, and enough voices are heard, that together we really can make a difference. We want to thank you all and send a massive acknowledgement to the thousands who submitted, advocated, and petitioned. This win would not have been possible without your support. We also want to make a special acknowledgement to tāngata whenua and mana whenua including Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Manuhiri and Ōmaha Marae, who have been fighting to stop sand mining in this rohe for three generations. There are also many individuals and groups who testified in court, including Auckland Council, NZ Fairy Tern Trust, Friends of Pakiri Beach, Save Our Sands Mangawhai Pakiri, Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Trust, Forest and Bird, and the Environmental Defence Society.,928 SignaturesCreated by Save Our Sands
Ban microbeads in New ZealandThe Government are introducing a ban in June 2018. Well done everyone who supported this campaign!8,358 SignaturesCreated by Jake, Naomi, Briar, Sariya and Kaya
Save Graham's Bush2017: The Tree Council has achieved a great result with a partial victory- the damage that will be done to the bush has been minimised! After years of community outrage, an appeal and most recently mediation with Auckland Council, The Tree Council are very impressed with the outcome. Securing a considerable extension to the proposed bridge crossing the gully from 28 to 40m span. This means that the abutments supporting the road bed will now be located at the edges of the gully rather than within it and only a very small number of mature trees will be directly affected. The small gully in South Auckland called Grahams Bush known as is a botanical gem, a real taonga, a fragment of the lowland podocarp-broadleaf forest that once covered the Manukau lowlands has been saved! The Tree Council would like to thank all those who donated money to support their case, fellow appeal parties, the Cheesman family and Auckland Transport for being willing to negotiate a much better ecological outcome for Graham’s Bush. Well done everyone!7,222 SignaturesCreated by Eve Osbourne
Block the Offer - Continue to say no to deep sea oil drillingOct 2015: The outcome of this campaign was absolutely incredible. Not only is the Christchurch City Council dedicated to blocking the offer and stopping deep sea oil drilling off the Canterbury coastline, they have shown interest in taking further action than only writing a submission. Having a huge backing strongly contributed to the opinions that were voiced at the council meeting, and overall had a massive influence on the Block the Offer campaign!825 SignaturesCreated by Bridget White
Don’t burn our future: Stop the NZ biofuels obligation8 February 2023: Today the Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announced that the NZ Government has dropped its Biofuels Obligation Bill!3,124 SignaturesCreated by Jake Roos
Opoho “enviro” school put your words into action and stop burning coal!Sep 2021: Great news everyone! After four years of stakeholder pressure, our petition has helped make a difference. Opoho School is now coal-free. A modern and efficient wood chip boiler now replaces the previous climate-vandalising coal boiler. Thank you for taking the time to sign the petition and share your comments on why you did. Please be assured your actions were important to achieving our goal.123 SignaturesCreated by Ralph Adler